Plastic Rebreather Bag -IN STOCK-

PVC U Like

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Product Overview

Fully welded PVC re-breathing bag which can be attached to our standard plastic hoods with the adaptor supplied. 1 litre capacity with air bug on the end.


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  • 5
    Truly breathtaking!

    Posted by Eric on Jan 18th 2020

    Wow. I bought this with the inflatable hood, and it is...something else! I've had experience with latex rebreathers of 5L before, so this 1L PVC one was interesting. With the air bug open, you are able to easily fill it and breathe it all in, with some capacity left to pull some more fresh in with greater effort. With the air bug closed, you'll find that even exhaling all the way is impossible, making for a truly intense experience where you try to get rid of the stale air in your lungs, only to breathe in more stale air from the bag, resulting in a dizzying, but fun feedback loop. Would highly recommend this if you love breathplay!